Lauren FonvielleTapping Through ResistanceIt's that time of year - back to school! So if you have kids, that means it's time to get settled into a new routine. Starting a new...
Lauren FonvielleTapping For Anticipatory AnxietyAnticipatory anxiety is the fear or worry that bad things could happen in the future. With this type of anxiety, we may fixate on the...
Lauren FonvielleEFT For Restful SleepDo you struggle getting a good night's rest? You are not alone! According to Consumer Reports It is estimated that 27% of adults in...
Lauren FonvielleLearn to Calm the Nervous System with EFTWhen the nervous system is in a heightened state of awareness for a prolonged period of time, you can begin to experience both physical...
Lauren FonvielleHow To Move Through FearStop running from fear. Stop allowing fear to paralyze you. Welcome it in. Feel it. Allow it to teach you. Learn from it. Move through it.
Lauren FonvielleProactive Approach to Managing Stress & AnxietyWhen you are in the throws of an anxiety attack is not the ideal time to try figure out what is going to help you get out of it. You need...