Mindset Reset
Relax, Relate, Release
Are you ready for change?
It's time to retrain your brain!​ EFT is a powerful tool that has been show to do exactly that! Join me on this 5 Day Mindset Reset journey where you will receive one short email a day that includes a tapping exercise!
Join me for this 5 Day Mindset Reset and learn:
The 5 powerful steps to creating lasting change
How to tune into the the messages your body is sending
Why specificity is your friend when it comes to tapping
How different parts of yourself might be at odds and how to work with these parts
Next steps for moving forward with clarity​
About Lauren
Lauren is an Integrative Energy Practitioner, specializing in EFT/ Tapping for stress, anxiety, and trauma. She guides her clients on a journey of self healing breaking through obstacles - physical, mental, or emotional - that are keeping them feeling stuck and in pain.
If you are interested in personal support, schedule a free consultation.